Saturday 20 December 2008

Warcraft Millionaire

Personally I'm happy if all my alts have their epic flying mount and enough gold for some decent purples. There's one guy however who has made it his goal to become the first Warcraft Millionaire with a million WoW gold spread across all his alts. He's pretty close with 800k+ at the time of writing. You can see how he does it (mostly AH trading) by clicking here.

Friday 14 March 2008

Free WoW Gold

This post isn't a secret way of making thousands of free WoW gold. Sorry. But it is some advice on exactly what you need to do to end your WoW poverty.

I was wandering around Nagrand the other day with my level 70 Warlock, picking up a few herbs, killing and skinning the odd mob that got in my way. As I picked each herb, and skinned each mob, I noticed the selling prices of the herbs and hides. The Auctioneer add-on has a great feature that tells me the average selling price in the Auction House of any item. You just hover over the item for up-to-date AH pricing info. Many of the herbs had a selling price over 2 gold. Thick Clefthoof Leather sells for 3 gold a piece. I was literally picking up gold pieces from the ground. Free WoW gold.

So, what's my point?

My point is that the fastest way to make gold is to be a high level. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do it in the higher level zones. Gather some herbs. Mine. Skin. Kill elementals for motes. You may be struggling as a level 40 looking for 100 gold to get a mount. My advice? Don't sweat it. Go out and level and the gold will come easily. Get to 60+ and it's easy.

Trouble leveling?

No problem, three very excellent guides will get you there in record time. Download Joana's Guide for Horde, Zygor for Alliance and Horde (in-game) or iDemise Leveling Guide (Alliance and Horde) and level to 80 in a few days and have all the gold you need.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Patch 2.4 Release Date

Official release to the live realms of patch 2.4 looks to be Tuesday, March 25th.

The patch file is 251 Mbytes, so if you are on a slow connection, be prepared for a long download.

Blizzard haven't announced this officially but I suspect the only announcement will be when we log in on that day.

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Level 65-70 WoW Gold

Here's another good gold grinding spot for levels 65 to 70.

The Voidspawn around the edges of Oshu'Gun in Nagrand seem to have almost no HP and are very easy to kill quickly. They drop cash, Netherweave Cloth and Motes of Shadow, often 2 at a time. They also spawn as quickly as you can kill them.

Easy 100 gold an hour grinding plus great xp at 65.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Monday 10 March 2008

Buy WoW Gold?

If you have a higher level character, over 60 say, it's easy to do a spot of grinding, or to use one of the gathering professions to make a decent amount of Warcraft gold.

But what happens if you only have a level 40 character or lower? Yes, you can work the AH for some gold and can easily make 30 or 40 gold for an hour of effort, once you know your way around. If this is enough for your needs, great, but what if you need 1,000 WoW gold to create a BG twink?

Some of the gold sellers are now offering 1,000 WoW gold for less than $50. This means you are effectively working for $1.50 an hour or less.

Would you take a job for $1.50 an hour? Even the crappiest job will pay far more than this.

If you would, or you enjoy the gold making process, then carry on. I don't personally buy gold because I enjoy the process of making my own WoW gold, so the time spent doesn't really matter to me.

If the whole gold-grind thing is boring to you, then you may want to consider buying WoW gold. This is against Blizzard's TOS and could get your account banned. I've never heard of this happening, but there's always a first time. To date, they've just gone after the gold sellers.

The trouble is there are a lot of dodgy sellers out there that will take your money and never deliver the gold. Try chasing some guy in China for your $50. You have to be really careful who you buy from, both from the point of them delivering anything, and in their professionalism in delivering the gold without a GM noticing. A friend, who does buy WoW gold (and has a full set of purple gear on every character), told me that Guy4Game deliver the goods. They have 24 hour English-speaking support and a toll-free US phone number.

Don't tell anybody I told you, ok?

Sunday 9 March 2008

Darkmoon Faire Gold

The Darkmoon Faire is in town and here's a great way to make 40 gold quickly and easily at any level.

Lhara sells Fel Lotus for 4 gold. She only has two at any one time but these will easily sell for 25 gold in the AH. I'm not sure of the reset time on these, so I just check every hour. You can usually buy around 8 a day, giving an easy profit of 160 gold a day.

For even more gold, she will also have Thick Clefthoof Leather and Black Lotus, both of which will sell in the AH for a big profit.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Saturday 8 March 2008

Running Shadowfang Keep for Gold

This is a great way for a level 45 and higher levels to make about 150 gold an hour by running a lower level instance.

The Assassin's Blade sells for 500 gold or more on most servers. It's in high demand for twinking level 19 rogues. This dagger can drop off any mob in Shadowfang Keep, but I've had most success with Archmage Arugal, the main boss in Shadowfang Keep. This instance is really intended for a group in their mid 20's. The mobs are 19 to 26 elite.

A level 45 should be able to run this entire instance in 30 to 45 minutes, depending on level, and will come away with packs full of blue and green items on every run. Since the items that drop are intended for high-teen characters, even the greens are in high demand as level 19 twink items. I've seen even average greens looted here sell for 15 or 20 gold.

If you can disenchant, you can DE enchanting materials from the BoP blues. If you have skinning, almost every mob is skinnable for an even higher return.

Rouge or Druid? Sneak in and just kill the boss.

Thursday 6 March 2008

WoW Gold Tricks

First off, let me say that I'm not suggesting that you do this. It's unethical but, in the interests of completeness, I'm describing how some are making their WoW gold.

There are two slightly different ways to do this.

The first is that players are putting items in the Auction House (often enchanting or tradeskill items in high demand such as silk cloth) with a very low bid, maybe a copper of two, and a very high buyout price in the hope that potential buyers will see a bargain and click on the buyout button by mistake. Rather than bidding a copper for a stack of Linen Cloth, they end up paying 99 gold. For example, yesterday I saw Small Radiant Shards, which normally sell for about 7 gold, on bid for 20 silver and on buyout for 99 gold. If a purchaser clicked on the buyout button by mistake they lose 99 gold. If you bid the 20 silver, and nobody else bids, you will find that the auction mysteriously gets canceled a few minutes before the end.

The second slant to this method is to go for the very high demand items that people need in large quantities for profession skilling. Put 3 stacks on for, say 99 silver, and one stack on for 99 gold. The hope is that somebody isn't paying attention and, thinking they need 4 stacks, start to click the buyout buttons. They are doing fine for the first 3 stacks, but then their brain stops checking and - whoops - they just bought a stack of Linen Cloth for 99 gold. This is very easy to do when you need a large quantity - you only check the first couple of items and click away.

As I said, I do not do this and think it unethical, but it's your call.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Monday 3 March 2008

WoW Gold from Enchanting Materials

I spoke recently about making a good amount of gold from Small Radiant Shards, simply buying and selling these in the AH, no enchanting skills needed.

I'm also having a lot of success with two other materials - Greater Eternal Essence and Greater Planar Essence.

Greater Planar Essence sells for about 5 gold on my server but sometimes there's a glut and it can be purchased for 3 gold or less. Other times there's a shortage and it will sell for 7 gold or more. I'd like to point to certain days of the week to buy and sell but there isn't any pattern I can discern.

Greater Eternal Essence sells for an average of 11 gold but, as with the Planar Essence, it can vary from 8 gold to 15 gold.

My technique is simple. I buy the Eternal Essence at less than 9 gold and immediately re-list it at 12 gold. There's no deposit on enchanting materials, so I don't care whether it sells or not! If it doesn't sell, I simply re-list it back in the AH at the same price - 12 gold. Sooner or later (usually sooner) it will sell netting me 3 gold each time. I can typically sell 30 of each a week. An easy 90 gold.

For the Planar Essence, I buy at less than 4 gold and sell at 6 gold. Another easy 60 gold a week.

You will need to some leg-work for this on your server. Check prices for these materials over the course of a week to watch for variations to determine your purchase and sale prices. If you've been using Auctioneer as I recommended, this will have been done for you.

Higher levels can always make money from WoW gold farming, but this method can be done at any level, Horde or Alliance.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Saturday 1 March 2008

Easy WoW Gold for Horde

I regularly make 20 or 30 gold a day with a level four Horde priest that I have on one server.

I'd like to share this with you as a way for low-levels to make a few hundred gold to help with equipment purchases and enchants. WoW gold farming isn't an option at low levels, so we have to be a little more creative.

I buy the following items in the Orgrimmar Auction House, and from vendors in the city:

Schematic: Red Firework from Sovik near the engineering trainer. Cost is 18 silver a piece and I buy 2 for each day. This is limited availability, so if he doesn't have one, check back later.

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight costs 15 gold or so in the AH. Supplies of this (and prices) vary quite a bit. Some days there are a dozen, some days, none. I buy this whenever I can.

Savory Deviate Delight from the AH, This price of this is around 3 gold a stack of 20. I buy 2 stacks for each day. You can also sell the Deviate Fish.

I then take these to the neutral AH in Booty Bay. You can get there via the boat from Rachet. You can either make the journey once a day (it's a long way) or just park an alt there. I then put the items I purchased up for sale in the Booty Bay AH. This is a neutral AH and both Alliance and Horde can use it for buying and selling. You are placing these items for Alliance to buy.

Schematic: Red Firework - sells for 5 gold. I often price mine at 4 gold for a quick sale. After all, it only cost me 18 silver.

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight sell for 25 to 30 gold.

Savory Deviate Delight sells for 6 gold a stack.

Obviously the amount you sell each day will vary. Weekends are better and I'll sometimes save slow-selling items for listing on Friday evening. You can do this day after day, week after week. An easy 20 gold a day, at level one if you like, without leaving the city.

I've played on a number of different servers, both normal and PvP and I've noticed big differences in the use of the neutral AH. On some servers the neutral AH hardly gets used, on others it's fairly busy. Check the position on your server before you invest any gold in this technique. Watch prices for a couple of days to check that the profit is available on your server. My experience is that the neutral AH is busier, and hence more profitable to use, on PvP servers.

If you have the luxury of having two accounts (private server anybody?), you can transfer items between your Horde and Alliance characters and list them directly in the Alliance AH for quicker sales and more profit.

Friday 29 February 2008

Farming Cobra Scales

Here's a nice WoW money maker for those in their late 60's or 70 who have skinning as a profession.

Cobra Scales are in high demand at the moment and sell for around 25 gold each. These drop only from Colskar Cobras, a level 68 mob in Shadowmoon Valley.

There are two groups that I farm at 45,30 and 51,27.

The group at 45, 30 are surrounded by other Colskars, but if you go to 43,30, you can jump down almost on top of them. With care they can be pulled singly. Respawn time is about 5 minutes, so you can farm this continuously. I leveled my 66 hunter there for a while and I was collecting about eight an hour which gave me 200 gold an hour. A level 70 should be able to gather at least 12 an hour.

The Colskar Cobras at 51,27 are easier to get to, close to the road, but tend to bring a friend when pulled so make sure you can handle two.

Thursday 28 February 2008

Level 40 WoW Gold

You've just dinged 40 and it's time for your first mount. Then you realize you've only got 3 gold and 5 silver to your name. Getting your new mount is going to cost you up to 100 gold.

Sound familiar?

No problem! Making 100 gold and more in a day isn’t hard at level 40 if you know where to hunt and what to look for.

The Big Iron Fishing Pole is treasured by fisherman who want to go to advanced fishing zones since it gives +20 to fishing. This sells for between 20 and 50 gold. More in the Alliance Auction House, especially on PvP servers where I've seen it at 100g plus. There’s jus one place it can be found - the shellfish traps just off the coast near Shadowprey Village in Desolace. When you open these shellfish traps, you will find either a Big Iron Fishing Pole, some shellfish or spawn a level 34 mob. The drop rate sucks, but you can still find 3 or 4 for a couple of hours work. Horde should keep all the shellfish and then turn five of them in to Jinar’Zillen on the pier in Shadowprey Village for 55 silver. Alliance should obviously keep away from the village unless they want a free trip to the nearest GY. This search is entirely underwater, so take a few breathing potions unless you are a druid or warlock (or a fish).

I hate grinding at the best of times, but if you fancy a spot of mindless killing while you watch TV with the other eye, head for the Elementals camp in the south part of Badlands. These elementals drop Elemental Earth which sells for around two gold each on most servers. A few hours here should net you some experience and enough gold for your mount.

Got Fishing? Head over to the Barrens and fish for Deviate Fish. If you are Alliance on a PvP server, head straight into Wailing Caverns and go into the instance to fish without being ganked. Each Deviate Fish will sell for around 40 silver in the Horde AH and 80 silver in the Alliance AH. You catch a lot of these is a short time so it adds up quickly. If you have cooking skills (and the recipe), you can turn them into Savory Deviate Delight for some extra profits.

How about soloing one of the lower level instances. Remember how much loot dropped in the Stockades? Masses of cloth, silver and a few greens. At level 20 you were sharing these amongst the group, at level 40 it is all yours. You can solo most any of these lower level instances. Deadmines has masses of ore and is a great instance if you can mine as well.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

WoW Auctioneer Settings - Vendor

These are some of the setting I use with the excellent Auctioneer addon for Warcraft. These are for bottom scanning for items that you can buy in the AH and sell to the nearest vendor for a profit.

These settings will allow you to buyout any item which will make you at least 50 silver profit. You can obviously set this lower - it depends how you value your time running from AH to mailbox to vendor.

If you also wish to bid on items allowing an easy profit, uncheck the box 'Never bid on items'. If you do this, you will need to add a time filter, otherwise you will find yourself tying up a lot of gold for items that are purchased by another player before the auction ends.

This shows a 2 hour setting:

Now click on the bottom scanner play button:

and then the auction scan button:

Auctioneer will now popup a window whenever it finds an item worth buying:

A lot of people don't bother checking the vendor prices of green (or blue) items before they stick them in the AH. Often, certain items are unpopular (like items with spirit or held in the off-hand) and will only sell in the AH for a gold or two. Meanwhile, the nearest vendor opposite the AH will happily buy any quantity for five or six gold. Their loss and our gain.

If any of this isn't clear, leave a comment and I'll record a video of the whole process.

Monday 25 February 2008

WoW Gold from Auctioneer

Using the free Auctioneer addon properly has made me more World of Warcraft Gold than any other method. You can make literally hundreds of gold per day without ever leaving the city. In spite of this being the best Warcraft money maker, very people seem to be using it. The instructions on the author's site cover the basics of installation and operation but instructions on turning it into a WoW money maker don't seem to be available. There are a few different ways of making WoW money using this free addon so I'm going to cover these in depth in a number of posts over the next few days.

For now, download the addon and install it and I'll start working on the next few posts to show you how to turn this into your own Warcraft money machine.

Sunday 24 February 2008

WoW Gold from Small Radiant Shards

The Small Radiant Shard if required for the very popular Fiery Enchant to weapons. This is still in high demand since it's the only original old-world weapon enchant that isn't nerfed for players over level 60. The shard can be obtained from disenchanting level 36 to 40 items and, even when disenchanting these, it is still a rare drop. On average, you will only get one shard for every 20 disenchants.

Couple a rare item with a high demand and you get high prices and, in this case, a widely fluctuating price. Some days you can buy them for 4 gold each, other days people are offering 10 or 12 gold in the trade channel when the AH runs out.

I buy these when they drop below 6 gold and immediately re-list them for 8 gold or more. Most days these will sell, but even if they don't there's no deposit on enchanting materials, so there's nothing lost. Check the prices on your server over a few days to see the range.

Since the Fiery Enchant needs 4 Small Radiant Shards, list these in the AH in stacks of 4. These will often be purchased, even if there are singles at a lower price, by impatient rich players.

It's an easy 15 or 20 gold or so per day with almost zero work.

Saturday 23 February 2008

WoW Gold from Cockroaches

If you've ready any of the gold making guides and ebooks you will have seen the idea of buying pets from vendors and selling them in the AH. Cross faction pets are often mentioned - kittens to Horde for example. This used to work really well, but in the last year or so it has lost its effectiveness. Everybody knows about it and the AH is full of pets little above their cost. It may be that it still works or your server, if it does, go for it.

There is, however, one exotic pet that still sells well in the Alliance AH for a decent profit. It's the Cockroach which, until the BC expansion, was only available to Horde. A lot of Alliance players are still unaware that it's now available as part of Burning Crusades. If you are level 60+, you can get to Stormspire in Nethgerstorm. Dealer Rashaad is at loc 43,35, not far from the mail box. He sells cockroaches in unlimited quantities. Buy them for 50 silver and them for 3 gold in the Alliance AH.

It's a pain traveling back from Netherstorm to the AH, so mail them to an alt if you have one near an AH.

Friday 22 February 2008

Blood Elf Bandit Mask

Another, mostly pointless, vanity item that sells for 25 gold or so is the Blood Elf Bandit Mask.

This is a great money-maker for lower level Alliance characters since it drops from a level 7 mob the Blood Elf Bandit.

This mob can be found at random locations on Azuremyst Isle. The bandit spends his time stealthed so isn't obvious unless you trip over him. If you are lower level, below 10, he will probably jump you so he will be easy to find. If you are higher level, run or ride around the island using /target Blood every few yards. Set it up as a macro to save your fingers. Bandits will be found mostly close to the road hiding by trees, so just run along the roads on the island while you search.

Hunters have it made if they have the "Track Hidden" ability. Watch the mini-map carefully though as, even at high levels, you will not see the red dot until you are right next to the bandit.

Known spawn spots are 36,32; 27,51; 46,39; 43,63; 35,65; 50,29 and 32,62.

Thursday 21 February 2008

WoW Gold from Vendor Motes

There's a vendor who will sell you limited quantities of different Motes (life, earth, air etc). His name is Dealer Tariq and he sells them for the very reasonable price of 16 silver. Very reasonable considering you can resell them in the AH for up to 2 gold each. He only has 3 at a time, so park an alt there for a few days and stock up. Resell them, or combine them into Primals, depending on what is selling for the most gold. The motes are on page two of his wares.

Dealer Tariq can be found in Terokkar Forest inside of Auchindoun. Go in the south entrance, follow the corridor down to the lower level, then look to your left. You will see two purple flags either side of the entrance to The Shadow Labyrinth. Tariq is just inside at loc 39,70.

There's also a vendor in Netherstorm, Dealer Najeeb, that sells the same motes, but since he's in Stormspire, these tend to be purchased quickly. Worth checking if you are in the area.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Captured Firefly Farming

This is another one of those odd vanity pets that doesn't do much of anything apart from make an irritating buzzing noise. Being rare(ish) the Captured Firefly also sells for a lot of gold. Typically anywhere between 500 and 1500 gold. It's a favorite of the Chinese gold farmers who can be found working this 24 hours a day.

It drops from the level 62 Bogflare Needler in Northern Zangarmarsh along the north side of Serpent Lake. There's a group of four that spawn fairly quickly around 52,33. Easy to round-up if you have AoE.

This mob also drops Unidentified Plant Parts which are used for boosting Cenarion Expedition reputation. These plant parts sell well in the AH in large quantities for around 40 silver each. Although the plant parts drop often, the Captured Firefly will be a rare drop (probably 1 in 500) I'm suggesting that you only farm this if it gives you some experience.

Burning Crusade Manuals

A previous post discussed making WoW gold from reselling First Aid and Fishing manuals purchased in old-world zones.

There's also gold to be made from the higher-level First Aid manuals for skilling up above 300. These are purchased Burko (Alliance) and Aresella (Horde), both in the Hellfire Peninsula. These vendors sell:

Master First Aid - Doctor in the House. The vendors sell this for 5 gold and it sells readily in the AH for 9 gold. I can sell 2 or 3 each day if I keep my price just below the competition. An easy 12 gold each day just from one manual.

Manual: Netherweave Bandage. This can be purchased for just 2 gold and resells for 7 gold. Even more profit on this one but I only sell 1 or 2 a day.

Manual: Heavy Netherweave Bandage. This one costs 4 gold and can be resold for 7 gold again. Only 3 gold profit on this.

To low for Outlands? No problem! It's supposed to be a level 55+ area but it's quite easy to get there under level 10. You need to beg or buy a port to Shattrath from a mage. Going rate is around 2 gold for the port but you can often find a kindly mage who will do it for free. Shattrath is safe for any level. Ask a guard for directions to the flight path and take a flight to Hellfire Peninsula. This will already be available to you even if this is your first time in the zone. Once you arrive in Hellfire, get naked. There's a chance you may die! The mobs are quite spread out on the path to the vendors but you will be an aggro-magnet under level 50. For Horde, Aresella is located at 26,62 in Falcon Watch. For Alliance, Burko is located at 22,39 in the Temple of Telhamat.

I can often get there at any level without a single death but you have to be careful. Above is one of my level 12 alts with Burko.

I often have Shattrath as my home city, even for low-level alts, as there is a portal directly to all major cities for your faction from there.

There's also a Cooking manual available from Baxter (Horde) and Gaston (Alliance).

The Master Cookbook can be purchased in unlimited quantities from these vendors for 2 gold. This sells for about 5 gold in the Auction House. Demand for this is sporadic. Some days I can sell 5, others none. Do a test purchase on your server to see if the market is there.

Monday 18 February 2008

Orb of Deception

If you have a decently equipped level 70, or a slightly lower level who can kite, you might just be able to make 500 gold for a few minutes work.

One of the most sought after items in the game is a trinket The Orb of Deception. This makes you appear to other players as a member of the opposing faction. NPC's see through this so you can't go wandering through Stormwind as a Horde, but it can be fun confusing PC's.

The Orb is a very rare world drop, meaning it could drop anywhere, but it is a consistent drop from just two mobs. One is Skarr the Unbreakable and the other is Mushgog. These level 58 to 60 elites spawn every few hours in the Dire Maul Arena. Since the arena is free-for-all PvP it used to be that you would spend all your time fighting others in the arena making this item very difficult to farm. Since the release of Burning Crusade however, this instance is almost always deserted. But still these elite mobs spawn. The arena is in the center of the commons, not inside the instances. Coords around 43,70. The low 50's mobs all round will leave you alone as long as you don't tread on their toes.

Don't under estimate these elites - they hit hard. They are immune to stun and fear. Bring a friend if you aren't sure.

The Orb will drop about once every 6 or 7 times, not often, but it sells for 500 to 700 gold. Even if the Orb does not drop, both of these mobs drop nice blue items worth 100 gold or so.

Sunday 17 February 2008

Disgusting Oozeling

The Disgusting Oozeling is a very odd-looking pet that actually lowers your defenses when he's around. In spite of this, or maybe because of it, this strange creature is in high demand. In fact, I've seen this sell for 500g on more than one server.

The pet can be found inside an Oozing Bag which drops from a number of different Oozes near Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood amongst other places. The drop rate of the bag isn't high, maybe 1 on 20 Oozes. Even when the bag drops, the pet will only be found in 1 in 50 bags. That's a lot of Oozes. They don't drop much of anything else. A little silver and some grey vendor items.

For these reasons I'm going to suggest you only consider farming this for gold if you have a character in the 50's who would benefit from a bit of grinding experience. They spawn fairly quickly - if you run a circle around the lake at the bottom of the falls, you will have a continuous supply.

If you fancy a change of grinding scenery, this bag also drops from the Living Decay and other Oozes in Eastern and Western Plaguelands. These are slightly higher level (mid-50's) so you can grind these right up to your late 50's.

Apart from the pet, the bags will contain some sort of useful item, often a mana or health potion, or a minor green item with some value.

There used to be a useful bug with this bag in that it would reset the contents whenever it was mailed. All you had to do was mail the bag between alts a few times to get the contents you wanted. Unfortunately this was fixed a few months ago. Around this time the pet went from a selling price of 100 gold to 500 gold.

Saturday 16 February 2008

Limited Availability Recipes

A similar idea to buying manuals from vendors and selling them for a profit in the AH, there are a number of recipes that can make you even more money.

I regularly make a few gold a day from the manuals (see post below) but, sooner or later, somebody else get the same idea and the inevitable competition drives prices down. It can go for days without a single competitor then there will suddenly be three or four. A week passes and they all get bored with the idea and the market is mine alone for a while. Buying and selling recipes is a little harder to implement so generally has less competition.

These recipes can be vendor purchased but only in strictly limited quantities. vendors will usually have only one or maybe two of a particular recipe.

Here are some examples:

Pattern: Enchanter's Cowl You can buy this for 10 silver and sell it for 1 to 1.5 gold in the Auction House. It's sold by either of the tailoring suppliers in Booty Bay. It seem to have a reset time of around 30 minutes which means that once you have purchased the single recipe available, that vendor won't have any for sale for 30 minutes. All of the limited availability items work like this but the reset time varies depending on recipe and vendor.

There are many more recipes and patterns but not all of them are popular and can be hard to sell. Here are some of them that make me a regular profit.

Pattern: Icy Cloak

Recipe: Superior Mana Potion

Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers

Pattern: Gem-Studded Leather Belt

Pattern: Icy Cloak

Gnomish Cloaking Device

Mithril Dragonling

Deadly Scope

All of these can be purchased for a few silver, or a gold or two at most. Check the Thottbot links above for exact locations and prices.

Since these patterns are all limited availability it can be real work traveling from vendor to vendor just to see if they have the recipe, so here’s a much easier technique. Start 3 alts, or login to those you never play anymore, and run them to these vendors. I just ran an alt to Winterspring at level 2, yes, level two, so don't whine that these vendors are in mid-level zones and it's hard. Let me know in a comment if you want a post about getting low-levels to high-level zones.

Every hour or so, log into these alts, already sitting right by the vendor, and grab the recipes. Don’t forget to give the alts some gold for the initial purchases. Some of these vendors are near mailboxes for easy mailing back to your main or mule, or just wait until you have a bunch and use your hearthstone to get back to the city.

There are also a number of Burning Crusade limited-availability recipes that can be sold in the same way. I'll cover these in a separate post later.

Friday 15 February 2008

WoW Gold from Manuals

I've been earning a fair amount of Warcraft gold each day for the past few months simply by buying certain manuals directly from vendors and selling them for a big profit in the AH.

These manuals are for training higher levels in the First Aid and Fishing Skills.

It seems that some people would pay a gold or two for the convenience of getting them in the AH, rather than trekking to the vendors and buy them directly themselves. I agree that a long flight and running halfway across the zone to save a gold may not be a worthwhile investment of your time, so there's gold to be made from buying these in wholesale quantities and selling retail.

These manuals are all on the flight path for Horde or a short journey for Alliance.

Old Man Heming (Neutral) in Booty Bay at the very south end of Stranglethorne has "Expert Fishing - The Bass and You". This fishing manual can be purchased for 1 gold and sells quickly for 1.75 or 2 gold.

Deneb Walker (Alliance) in Arathi Highlands or Balai Lok'Wein (Horde) in Dustwallow Marsh sell these First Aid manuals:

Manual:Heavy Silk Bandage. Buy this for 22s and sell for 1g.

Manual:Mageweave Bandage. Buy this one for 50s and sell for 1g.

Expert First Aid - Under Wraps. Buy this for 1g sell for 2g or 2.5g.

Here is what I do. Once every couple of weeks I empty out three 16 slot bags and travel to each of the vendors. I buy as many of the manuals as I can carry, travel back to the city and put them in the bank. This procedure is even easier for the fishing manual as the bank in Booty Bay is literally a few steps from the vendor.

Each day, I take 5 or 6 assorted manuals from the bank and put them in the AH. I set the bid price at a little over the purchase price and the buyout at about twice the purchase price. Almost every day the manuals are bought out for full price. Very occasionally they only sell for the bid price. Either way I make a profit.

I can generally sell 3 or 4 a day of each of the bandaging manuals and 1 or 2 of the others.

What level do you need to be? Traditionally you need to be level 30 or so to travel to these zones. I can generally do this at level 5 or lower using a special technique. If you are interested in learning this completely legal technique, let me know in a comment and I'll write a post.

There are some higher level manuals that you can make even more profit on, but will need to travel to Hellfire Peninsula to purchase these. I'll cover them in a later post.

Thursday 14 February 2008

Gathering Warcraft Gold

One of the fastest and easiest way of making gold at very low levels is to take up one of the gathering professions - herbalism, skinning or mining.

Mining will make you the most gold by a long way. With this skill you gather ores from nodes in rocky or mountainous areas, and smelt the ores into metal bars. These are in great demand for tradeskills and sell easily in the AH. Even the lowest level ore, copper, will smelt into copper bars which sell for two gold a stack of 20. Since you can get up to 5 ore per node, this is very fast to gather.

Skinning isn't going to make a lot per piece of leather, but there are plenty of killed animals to skin as you level up. Light leather which can be gathered at very low levels and sells for around one gold per stack of 20 on most servers. Not as much as mining, but it's free gold when you really need it.

Herbalism at high skill levels can be well paid, but it's much less rewarding at low levels. The two early herbs, Peacebloom and Silverleaf, sell for almost nothing, if indeed they sell at all. Herbalism is fine if you want to take it to 200+, when it really starts to bring in the gold.

Copper, Tin and Iron sell for a lot more than leather or herbs, but you will need to travel further afield to gather the ore and there is more competition for the nodes. For mining, you can smelt the ores into metal bars and sell them in the AH. Check the prices in the Auction House before you smelt ore to bars, as sometimes the ore can sell for more than the bars. This is because the prospecting skill (which comes with jewelcraft) can be used to prospect valuable gems from the ore. I'm going to cover how to make WoW gold from prospecting in a later post. Once you get to higher levels, you will be gathering Mithril, Thorium and Truesilver which will sell for 20 gold a stack or more.

Personally I usually take up skinning and mining with a new character then move onto other professions at around level 40 once I have my first mount. There's no reason you can't keep gathering until level 70, but I will usually have gathered more gold than I can spend by this level!

Farming Arakkoa Feathers

How would you like to gather 90 gold an hour and get experience at level 65?

I was looking to increase faction with Lower City in Shattrath the other day. A little research indicated that the best way was to hand in Arakkoa Feathers. These drop from a number of mobs in Terrokar Forest in reasonable quantities. I worked out that I would have to turn in over 200 feathers to get Honored rep. Being lazy, I popped into the AH in Stormwind intending to buy a few stacks.


They were selling for well a over a gold each. It was going to cost me 260 gold for the rep I needed.

So I went farming.

Which bring us to the point of this narrative. The feathers can be gathered quickly and easily by any mid 60's character, and very quickly once you reached 67 or so. You can expect 70 feathers an hour at level 65 and 90 an hour at 68. This will bring in 90 gold an hour easily at 65, even if you undercut the regular AH price a little. Over 100 gold an hour at level 68+. In the three hours I spent there a few days ago, I also had one green and one blue item drop. These sold for over 100g as a nice little bonus.

The best drop rate for me was from the Lithic Oracle in the South West of Terokkar Forest. Since they are humonoid, these mobs also drop a little silver, Netherweave Cloth and Runecloth adding to your hourly farming rate. These are level 65 and are in the camp Veil Lithic together with a few level 63 Lithic Talonguard. The camp is at coords 25,73. If you want a lower level mob, go for the Shienor Talanite in the North East of the zone.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Level 70 Warcraft Gold

I'm often asked about gold farming areas for level 70.

There are, of course, many areas to make WoW gold at these levels so I'm just going to list two of my favorites. These will earn you 100 gold an hour plus. You can certainly farm these areas a level or two lower plus you will get some good experience.

Farm Voidspawn for Motes of Shadow. These are level 64 to 66 mobs which congregate in South West Nagrand. These can be tackled by almost any non-melee class at level 62 but for speed of farming 70 is better. The drop rate is about 1 in 3 mobs and the Motes sell for 2 gold or so each. They will also drop Netherweave Cloth and the occasional green item.

Farming Motes of Fire from Enraged Fire Spirit in Shadowmoon Valley. These drop a little more often than the Motes of Shadow, probably 1 in 2 mobs. The Motes sell for 2.5g each, or combine 10 into Primal Fire if this sells for more on your realm. Get fire protection if you can, or wait until level 70. Apart from the Motes, they seem to drop mostly vendor trash with the very occasional green item.

Although the Motes of Fire sell for a little more (usually), the secondary drops from the Voidspawn make up for the difference so there isn't much to choose them for the best hourly WoW gold rate.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

WoW Patch 2.4

Patch 2.4 is now available on the test realm. You can read the full release notes here

There's the usual collection of bug fixes plus a few changes of interest:

Sunwell Isle - This is a new area found north of Silvermoon City. Level 70 players will be able to fly there from the flight path just outside Silvermoon City.

Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells to a minimum of 1 second

Spirit-Based Mana Regeneration. As your intellect rises you will regenerate more mana per point of spirit.

Points will be gained faster in weapon skills for levels 1 through 59.

There are changes for most classes. My favorite is that Warlocks can now summon players directly into instances. A pet peeve of mine with the Ritual of Summoning is that we had to leave the instance to get a replacement member into the instance.

PvP changes include diminishing returns on honor for kills is being eliminated and honor being available immediately. No more waiting until the next day for calculation.

A welcome change to Warsong Gulch is that when both flags are held, the flag carriers will receive 50% increased damage after 10 minutes and 100% increased damage after 15 minutes. Hopefully this will reduce the length of this battleground.

On the gold-making front there's new recipes “Charred Bear Kabobs” and “Juicy Bear Burgers”. These are created from meat found on level 48-56 bears. This will aid players in leveling up their cooking skill to 300 without fishing. Stock up on bear meat from these levels, there's sure to be a big demand when these recipes become available.

There's no mention of a release date from Blizzard.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

WoW Fishing Addons

You can make an impressive amount of gold in WoW simply by fishing. You might even become the first Warcraft Millionaire!

I strongly recommend the use of an addon for fishing. This will save some of the tedium buy automating looting and lure application.

Back in the early days of World of Warcraft there were a number of fishing addons developed with varying degrees of usefulness. As is often the case, these became neglected and stoped working with newer WoW patches. Luckily one very talented developer came to the rescue and developed a one stop fishing addon. He has continued to maintain and update this and it is now available for the latest WoW patch.

The addon is Fishing Buddy and, amongst other things, it allows you to:

  • Double right-click to cast
  • Auto add lures
  • Auto loot fish
  • Keep track of your previous catches
  • Choose your fishing outfit and easily change

Fishing Buddy is free to download and use. It's still in beta testing but I've been using it for a while without any problems.

Grab this if you spend any time fishing in Warcraft.

Monday 11 February 2008

High Level WoW Fishing

The real gold to be made from fishing in World of Warcraft is at higher levels. Higher in both terms of character level and in fishing skill.

The best "old world" fish is Stonescale Eel. Demand for these is sporadic, I've seen them selling for 3 gold each at times. A few days later demand may fall off and you can't give them away. I usually just keep them and check for demand every few days.

The best places to fish for these are:

Bay of Storms in Azshara
Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas

Feathermoon itself is Alliance only but Horde on non-PvP servers can fish just outside the stronghold without problems.

Another fish to consider is Whitescale Salmon from Winterspring and Eastern Plaguelands. These sell easily for a gold each.

If you can get to the Outlands (Burning Crusade expansion), you can make a lot more gold once your fishing skill is 350+. A favorite of mine is Goldenscale Vendorfish which I guess was put in as some sort of joke by Blizzard. Either way, you can turn around and sell it to any vendor for 6 gold. It seems that these can be caught in any Outlands zone. I've caught several in Zangarmarsh and Nagrand. You won't catch many of these, maybe two an hour but even these few improve your hourly gold rate.

Another favorite Outlands fish is the Furious Crawdad which sells for between 1.5 and 2 gold any day. These are very easy to catch in Blackwind Lake in Terrokar Forest. The bad news is that this lake requires a flying mount to reach. The good news is that the drop rate is around 40% so it's easy to make 60 to 80 gold an hour on these.

Terrokar Forest also has Golden Darter in the area around Allerian Stronghold. These will sell for 2 gold but have a lower drop rate than the Furious Crawdad.

Other outlands fish can sell well at times depending on demand. Many fish are a key component in high level cooking recipes and if somebody is trying to lvl up cooking then they will get snapped up quickly in the AH.

Gold from Low Level WoW Fishing

Fishing in World of Warcraft is a "secondary" skill which you can learn in addition to your two main professions. Other secondary skills are First Aid and Cooking. Although many people will learn first aid for fast heals between, or during, fights and cooking for the stat foods you can create, fishing is often ignored. This is a shame since certain fish are in high demand for use in trade skill recipes. Unfortunately you will often catch a pile of "junk fish" which are virtually worthless apart from their occasional use in cooking recipes.

The secret to making gold from WoW fishing isn't how you fish, or how high your skill level, but in WHERE you fish. Fish in the canals in Stormwind and you will make 1 gold an hour if you are lucky. Fish in the right zone and you can pull in 60 gold an hour.

Let me say right away that WoW fishing can be boring and, personally, I never fish for more than 20 minutes or so. I fish when I'm waiting for a group or maybe when I'm winding down after a raid. It may suit your personality more, so give it a try.

If you have never fished before, all you need is a fishing pole purchased from the local fishing vendor. You learn the fishing skill from the trainer who is usually close to the vendor in the newbie zone. Go to the edge of the nearest body of water and click on the fishing icon. I usually move this to the toolbar for ease of use. Watch the float and it will bob under the water. Right click on the float after it bobs and, if your skill is high enough, you catch a fish and maybe increase your skill level. You won't catch many fish at first but don't get discouraged, your skill will soon increase.

So, where is the gold in fishing?

Three fish are in demand for lower level character. Firefin, Oily Blackmouth and Deviate Fish.

Firefin can be found in:

The Blackwolf River in Stonetalon Mountains
Dreadmurk Shore in Dustwallow Marsh
Western Strand near Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills

You don't need to do anything special to catch these, just fish as normal in the zone and a proportion of the fish will be Firefin. Sell the Firefin you catch in the Auction House. Check to see what other are selling them for and match or beat their prices. The normal price is around 10 silver per fish. Not much, but this can be caught in conjunction with Oily Blackmouth (see below)

Oily Blackmouth can be caught in:

Menethil Harbor in Wetlands
Western Strand near Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills
Zoram'gar Outpost Ashenvale
The Merchant Coast in The Barrens
Near Northwatch Hold also in The Barrens
Baradin Bay

Notice that both Firefin and Oily Blackmouth can be caught in Southshore which makes it first choice for low level WoW fishing gold. You can usually make between 15 and 25 gold per hour fishing in Southshore, depending on pries on your server.

Deviate fish can only be caught in The Barrens. Any oasis has these as well as the lake inside the Wailing Caverns instance. This is a really good money-maker for Alliance characters, selling on the Alliance AH as very few Alliance go to The Barrens, especially on PvP servers, for obvious reasons. It's easy enough once you get to level 25 or so as most Horde in The Barrens are lower level. If you get aggro or they gang up on you, just zone into Wailing Caverns in your own instance where you can fish all day undisturbed. I've seen Deviate Fish sell for a gold each in the Alliance AH on PvP servers. Prices for Horde are much lower - around 20 silver each.

You can make a lot more - up to 60 gold per hour - at higher levels which I will cover tomorrow.

Reasons for Playing World of Warcraft

There are many different reasons people play World of Warcraft (WoW). Maybe they like the social aspects. Chatting in the Barrens or in Stormwind. Maybe the like to mindlessly kill every thing in sight, either because they are social deviants or to relieve the pressures of a lousy job. Perhaps they like the challenge of defeating another player in PvP.

My main enjoyment, which many may find odd, is making as much gold as possible. Oh sure, I've leveled a few characters up to 70 and I'm sure I'll take them all up to level 80 when the new expansion – Wrath of the Lich King – arrives. But whenever I log on my first move is towards the mailbox to see how much gold I've made from yesterday's auction sales.

Most of my playing time revolves around finding different ways of making gold. I bought all of the gold guides (most of them are crap) and searched every Warcraft forum and website for every tip.

Maybe you play for similar reasons, or maybe you just want the best gear and stumbled here looking for ideas for quick gold. Either way, I have a whole bunch of gold making tips to share over the next few days. I've ignored all the stupid ideas you see everywhere and will give detailed tips for the stuff that works.

It won't be a total newbie guide - I'm not going to tell you how to use the AH or how to find your way to a specific zone. If you are that new, go buy an ebook or something.

Sunday 10 February 2008

World of Warcraft Gold

This blog will detail the many ways of making World of Warcraft gold easily and quickly. I've been playing WoW for 3 years and have several level 70 characters as well as over 70,000 gold as well as the best items and enchants.

I should point out, for legal reasons, World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. This blog is not associated with, nor endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment. Use at your own risk. You can visit the official WoW site here