Thursday 14 February 2008

Gathering Warcraft Gold

One of the fastest and easiest way of making gold at very low levels is to take up one of the gathering professions - herbalism, skinning or mining.

Mining will make you the most gold by a long way. With this skill you gather ores from nodes in rocky or mountainous areas, and smelt the ores into metal bars. These are in great demand for tradeskills and sell easily in the AH. Even the lowest level ore, copper, will smelt into copper bars which sell for two gold a stack of 20. Since you can get up to 5 ore per node, this is very fast to gather.

Skinning isn't going to make a lot per piece of leather, but there are plenty of killed animals to skin as you level up. Light leather which can be gathered at very low levels and sells for around one gold per stack of 20 on most servers. Not as much as mining, but it's free gold when you really need it.

Herbalism at high skill levels can be well paid, but it's much less rewarding at low levels. The two early herbs, Peacebloom and Silverleaf, sell for almost nothing, if indeed they sell at all. Herbalism is fine if you want to take it to 200+, when it really starts to bring in the gold.

Copper, Tin and Iron sell for a lot more than leather or herbs, but you will need to travel further afield to gather the ore and there is more competition for the nodes. For mining, you can smelt the ores into metal bars and sell them in the AH. Check the prices in the Auction House before you smelt ore to bars, as sometimes the ore can sell for more than the bars. This is because the prospecting skill (which comes with jewelcraft) can be used to prospect valuable gems from the ore. I'm going to cover how to make WoW gold from prospecting in a later post. Once you get to higher levels, you will be gathering Mithril, Thorium and Truesilver which will sell for 20 gold a stack or more.

Personally I usually take up skinning and mining with a new character then move onto other professions at around level 40 once I have my first mount. There's no reason you can't keep gathering until level 70, but I will usually have gathered more gold than I can spend by this level!

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