Friday 15 February 2008

WoW Gold from Manuals

I've been earning a fair amount of Warcraft gold each day for the past few months simply by buying certain manuals directly from vendors and selling them for a big profit in the AH.

These manuals are for training higher levels in the First Aid and Fishing Skills.

It seems that some people would pay a gold or two for the convenience of getting them in the AH, rather than trekking to the vendors and buy them directly themselves. I agree that a long flight and running halfway across the zone to save a gold may not be a worthwhile investment of your time, so there's gold to be made from buying these in wholesale quantities and selling retail.

These manuals are all on the flight path for Horde or a short journey for Alliance.

Old Man Heming (Neutral) in Booty Bay at the very south end of Stranglethorne has "Expert Fishing - The Bass and You". This fishing manual can be purchased for 1 gold and sells quickly for 1.75 or 2 gold.

Deneb Walker (Alliance) in Arathi Highlands or Balai Lok'Wein (Horde) in Dustwallow Marsh sell these First Aid manuals:

Manual:Heavy Silk Bandage. Buy this for 22s and sell for 1g.

Manual:Mageweave Bandage. Buy this one for 50s and sell for 1g.

Expert First Aid - Under Wraps. Buy this for 1g sell for 2g or 2.5g.

Here is what I do. Once every couple of weeks I empty out three 16 slot bags and travel to each of the vendors. I buy as many of the manuals as I can carry, travel back to the city and put them in the bank. This procedure is even easier for the fishing manual as the bank in Booty Bay is literally a few steps from the vendor.

Each day, I take 5 or 6 assorted manuals from the bank and put them in the AH. I set the bid price at a little over the purchase price and the buyout at about twice the purchase price. Almost every day the manuals are bought out for full price. Very occasionally they only sell for the bid price. Either way I make a profit.

I can generally sell 3 or 4 a day of each of the bandaging manuals and 1 or 2 of the others.

What level do you need to be? Traditionally you need to be level 30 or so to travel to these zones. I can generally do this at level 5 or lower using a special technique. If you are interested in learning this completely legal technique, let me know in a comment and I'll write a post.

There are some higher level manuals that you can make even more profit on, but will need to travel to Hellfire Peninsula to purchase these. I'll cover them in a later post.

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