Friday 14 March 2008

Free WoW Gold

This post isn't a secret way of making thousands of free WoW gold. Sorry. But it is some advice on exactly what you need to do to end your WoW poverty.

I was wandering around Nagrand the other day with my level 70 Warlock, picking up a few herbs, killing and skinning the odd mob that got in my way. As I picked each herb, and skinned each mob, I noticed the selling prices of the herbs and hides. The Auctioneer add-on has a great feature that tells me the average selling price in the Auction House of any item. You just hover over the item for up-to-date AH pricing info. Many of the herbs had a selling price over 2 gold. Thick Clefthoof Leather sells for 3 gold a piece. I was literally picking up gold pieces from the ground. Free WoW gold.

So, what's my point?

My point is that the fastest way to make gold is to be a high level. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do it in the higher level zones. Gather some herbs. Mine. Skin. Kill elementals for motes. You may be struggling as a level 40 looking for 100 gold to get a mount. My advice? Don't sweat it. Go out and level and the gold will come easily. Get to 60+ and it's easy.

Trouble leveling?

No problem, three very excellent guides will get you there in record time. Download Joana's Guide for Horde, Zygor for Alliance and Horde (in-game) or iDemise Leveling Guide (Alliance and Horde) and level to 80 in a few days and have all the gold you need.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Patch 2.4 Release Date

Official release to the live realms of patch 2.4 looks to be Tuesday, March 25th.

The patch file is 251 Mbytes, so if you are on a slow connection, be prepared for a long download.

Blizzard haven't announced this officially but I suspect the only announcement will be when we log in on that day.

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Level 65-70 WoW Gold

Here's another good gold grinding spot for levels 65 to 70.

The Voidspawn around the edges of Oshu'Gun in Nagrand seem to have almost no HP and are very easy to kill quickly. They drop cash, Netherweave Cloth and Motes of Shadow, often 2 at a time. They also spawn as quickly as you can kill them.

Easy 100 gold an hour grinding plus great xp at 65.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Monday 10 March 2008

Buy WoW Gold?

If you have a higher level character, over 60 say, it's easy to do a spot of grinding, or to use one of the gathering professions to make a decent amount of Warcraft gold.

But what happens if you only have a level 40 character or lower? Yes, you can work the AH for some gold and can easily make 30 or 40 gold for an hour of effort, once you know your way around. If this is enough for your needs, great, but what if you need 1,000 WoW gold to create a BG twink?

Some of the gold sellers are now offering 1,000 WoW gold for less than $50. This means you are effectively working for $1.50 an hour or less.

Would you take a job for $1.50 an hour? Even the crappiest job will pay far more than this.

If you would, or you enjoy the gold making process, then carry on. I don't personally buy gold because I enjoy the process of making my own WoW gold, so the time spent doesn't really matter to me.

If the whole gold-grind thing is boring to you, then you may want to consider buying WoW gold. This is against Blizzard's TOS and could get your account banned. I've never heard of this happening, but there's always a first time. To date, they've just gone after the gold sellers.

The trouble is there are a lot of dodgy sellers out there that will take your money and never deliver the gold. Try chasing some guy in China for your $50. You have to be really careful who you buy from, both from the point of them delivering anything, and in their professionalism in delivering the gold without a GM noticing. A friend, who does buy WoW gold (and has a full set of purple gear on every character), told me that Guy4Game deliver the goods. They have 24 hour English-speaking support and a toll-free US phone number.

Don't tell anybody I told you, ok?

Sunday 9 March 2008

Darkmoon Faire Gold

The Darkmoon Faire is in town and here's a great way to make 40 gold quickly and easily at any level.

Lhara sells Fel Lotus for 4 gold. She only has two at any one time but these will easily sell for 25 gold in the AH. I'm not sure of the reset time on these, so I just check every hour. You can usually buy around 8 a day, giving an easy profit of 160 gold a day.

For even more gold, she will also have Thick Clefthoof Leather and Black Lotus, both of which will sell in the AH for a big profit.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Saturday 8 March 2008

Running Shadowfang Keep for Gold

This is a great way for a level 45 and higher levels to make about 150 gold an hour by running a lower level instance.

The Assassin's Blade sells for 500 gold or more on most servers. It's in high demand for twinking level 19 rogues. This dagger can drop off any mob in Shadowfang Keep, but I've had most success with Archmage Arugal, the main boss in Shadowfang Keep. This instance is really intended for a group in their mid 20's. The mobs are 19 to 26 elite.

A level 45 should be able to run this entire instance in 30 to 45 minutes, depending on level, and will come away with packs full of blue and green items on every run. Since the items that drop are intended for high-teen characters, even the greens are in high demand as level 19 twink items. I've seen even average greens looted here sell for 15 or 20 gold.

If you can disenchant, you can DE enchanting materials from the BoP blues. If you have skinning, almost every mob is skinnable for an even higher return.

Rouge or Druid? Sneak in and just kill the boss.

Thursday 6 March 2008

WoW Gold Tricks

First off, let me say that I'm not suggesting that you do this. It's unethical but, in the interests of completeness, I'm describing how some are making their WoW gold.

There are two slightly different ways to do this.

The first is that players are putting items in the Auction House (often enchanting or tradeskill items in high demand such as silk cloth) with a very low bid, maybe a copper of two, and a very high buyout price in the hope that potential buyers will see a bargain and click on the buyout button by mistake. Rather than bidding a copper for a stack of Linen Cloth, they end up paying 99 gold. For example, yesterday I saw Small Radiant Shards, which normally sell for about 7 gold, on bid for 20 silver and on buyout for 99 gold. If a purchaser clicked on the buyout button by mistake they lose 99 gold. If you bid the 20 silver, and nobody else bids, you will find that the auction mysteriously gets canceled a few minutes before the end.

The second slant to this method is to go for the very high demand items that people need in large quantities for profession skilling. Put 3 stacks on for, say 99 silver, and one stack on for 99 gold. The hope is that somebody isn't paying attention and, thinking they need 4 stacks, start to click the buyout buttons. They are doing fine for the first 3 stacks, but then their brain stops checking and - whoops - they just bought a stack of Linen Cloth for 99 gold. This is very easy to do when you need a large quantity - you only check the first couple of items and click away.

As I said, I do not do this and think it unethical, but it's your call.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Monday 3 March 2008

WoW Gold from Enchanting Materials

I spoke recently about making a good amount of gold from Small Radiant Shards, simply buying and selling these in the AH, no enchanting skills needed.

I'm also having a lot of success with two other materials - Greater Eternal Essence and Greater Planar Essence.

Greater Planar Essence sells for about 5 gold on my server but sometimes there's a glut and it can be purchased for 3 gold or less. Other times there's a shortage and it will sell for 7 gold or more. I'd like to point to certain days of the week to buy and sell but there isn't any pattern I can discern.

Greater Eternal Essence sells for an average of 11 gold but, as with the Planar Essence, it can vary from 8 gold to 15 gold.

My technique is simple. I buy the Eternal Essence at less than 9 gold and immediately re-list it at 12 gold. There's no deposit on enchanting materials, so I don't care whether it sells or not! If it doesn't sell, I simply re-list it back in the AH at the same price - 12 gold. Sooner or later (usually sooner) it will sell netting me 3 gold each time. I can typically sell 30 of each a week. An easy 90 gold.

For the Planar Essence, I buy at less than 4 gold and sell at 6 gold. Another easy 60 gold a week.

You will need to some leg-work for this on your server. Check prices for these materials over the course of a week to watch for variations to determine your purchase and sale prices. If you've been using Auctioneer as I recommended, this will have been done for you.

Higher levels can always make money from WoW gold farming, but this method can be done at any level, Horde or Alliance.

For the best collection of WoW gold making tips for all levels, see Valkors Gold Guide.

Saturday 1 March 2008

Easy WoW Gold for Horde

I regularly make 20 or 30 gold a day with a level four Horde priest that I have on one server.

I'd like to share this with you as a way for low-levels to make a few hundred gold to help with equipment purchases and enchants. WoW gold farming isn't an option at low levels, so we have to be a little more creative.

I buy the following items in the Orgrimmar Auction House, and from vendors in the city:

Schematic: Red Firework from Sovik near the engineering trainer. Cost is 18 silver a piece and I buy 2 for each day. This is limited availability, so if he doesn't have one, check back later.

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight costs 15 gold or so in the AH. Supplies of this (and prices) vary quite a bit. Some days there are a dozen, some days, none. I buy this whenever I can.

Savory Deviate Delight from the AH, This price of this is around 3 gold a stack of 20. I buy 2 stacks for each day. You can also sell the Deviate Fish.

I then take these to the neutral AH in Booty Bay. You can get there via the boat from Rachet. You can either make the journey once a day (it's a long way) or just park an alt there. I then put the items I purchased up for sale in the Booty Bay AH. This is a neutral AH and both Alliance and Horde can use it for buying and selling. You are placing these items for Alliance to buy.

Schematic: Red Firework - sells for 5 gold. I often price mine at 4 gold for a quick sale. After all, it only cost me 18 silver.

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight sell for 25 to 30 gold.

Savory Deviate Delight sells for 6 gold a stack.

Obviously the amount you sell each day will vary. Weekends are better and I'll sometimes save slow-selling items for listing on Friday evening. You can do this day after day, week after week. An easy 20 gold a day, at level one if you like, without leaving the city.

I've played on a number of different servers, both normal and PvP and I've noticed big differences in the use of the neutral AH. On some servers the neutral AH hardly gets used, on others it's fairly busy. Check the position on your server before you invest any gold in this technique. Watch prices for a couple of days to check that the profit is available on your server. My experience is that the neutral AH is busier, and hence more profitable to use, on PvP servers.

If you have the luxury of having two accounts (private server anybody?), you can transfer items between your Horde and Alliance characters and list them directly in the Alliance AH for quicker sales and more profit.