Saturday 1 March 2008

Easy WoW Gold for Horde

I regularly make 20 or 30 gold a day with a level four Horde priest that I have on one server.

I'd like to share this with you as a way for low-levels to make a few hundred gold to help with equipment purchases and enchants. WoW gold farming isn't an option at low levels, so we have to be a little more creative.

I buy the following items in the Orgrimmar Auction House, and from vendors in the city:

Schematic: Red Firework from Sovik near the engineering trainer. Cost is 18 silver a piece and I buy 2 for each day. This is limited availability, so if he doesn't have one, check back later.

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight costs 15 gold or so in the AH. Supplies of this (and prices) vary quite a bit. Some days there are a dozen, some days, none. I buy this whenever I can.

Savory Deviate Delight from the AH, This price of this is around 3 gold a stack of 20. I buy 2 stacks for each day. You can also sell the Deviate Fish.

I then take these to the neutral AH in Booty Bay. You can get there via the boat from Rachet. You can either make the journey once a day (it's a long way) or just park an alt there. I then put the items I purchased up for sale in the Booty Bay AH. This is a neutral AH and both Alliance and Horde can use it for buying and selling. You are placing these items for Alliance to buy.

Schematic: Red Firework - sells for 5 gold. I often price mine at 4 gold for a quick sale. After all, it only cost me 18 silver.

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight sell for 25 to 30 gold.

Savory Deviate Delight sells for 6 gold a stack.

Obviously the amount you sell each day will vary. Weekends are better and I'll sometimes save slow-selling items for listing on Friday evening. You can do this day after day, week after week. An easy 20 gold a day, at level one if you like, without leaving the city.

I've played on a number of different servers, both normal and PvP and I've noticed big differences in the use of the neutral AH. On some servers the neutral AH hardly gets used, on others it's fairly busy. Check the position on your server before you invest any gold in this technique. Watch prices for a couple of days to check that the profit is available on your server. My experience is that the neutral AH is busier, and hence more profitable to use, on PvP servers.

If you have the luxury of having two accounts (private server anybody?), you can transfer items between your Horde and Alliance characters and list them directly in the Alliance AH for quicker sales and more profit.

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