Tuesday 19 February 2008

Burning Crusade Manuals

A previous post discussed making WoW gold from reselling First Aid and Fishing manuals purchased in old-world zones.

There's also gold to be made from the higher-level First Aid manuals for skilling up above 300. These are purchased Burko (Alliance) and Aresella (Horde), both in the Hellfire Peninsula. These vendors sell:

Master First Aid - Doctor in the House. The vendors sell this for 5 gold and it sells readily in the AH for 9 gold. I can sell 2 or 3 each day if I keep my price just below the competition. An easy 12 gold each day just from one manual.

Manual: Netherweave Bandage. This can be purchased for just 2 gold and resells for 7 gold. Even more profit on this one but I only sell 1 or 2 a day.

Manual: Heavy Netherweave Bandage. This one costs 4 gold and can be resold for 7 gold again. Only 3 gold profit on this.

To low for Outlands? No problem! It's supposed to be a level 55+ area but it's quite easy to get there under level 10. You need to beg or buy a port to Shattrath from a mage. Going rate is around 2 gold for the port but you can often find a kindly mage who will do it for free. Shattrath is safe for any level. Ask a guard for directions to the flight path and take a flight to Hellfire Peninsula. This will already be available to you even if this is your first time in the zone. Once you arrive in Hellfire, get naked. There's a chance you may die! The mobs are quite spread out on the path to the vendors but you will be an aggro-magnet under level 50. For Horde, Aresella is located at 26,62 in Falcon Watch. For Alliance, Burko is located at 22,39 in the Temple of Telhamat.

I can often get there at any level without a single death but you have to be careful. Above is one of my level 12 alts with Burko.

I often have Shattrath as my home city, even for low-level alts, as there is a portal directly to all major cities for your faction from there.

There's also a Cooking manual available from Baxter (Horde) and Gaston (Alliance).

The Master Cookbook can be purchased in unlimited quantities from these vendors for 2 gold. This sells for about 5 gold in the Auction House. Demand for this is sporadic. Some days I can sell 5, others none. Do a test purchase on your server to see if the market is there.

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