Monday 18 February 2008

Orb of Deception

If you have a decently equipped level 70, or a slightly lower level who can kite, you might just be able to make 500 gold for a few minutes work.

One of the most sought after items in the game is a trinket The Orb of Deception. This makes you appear to other players as a member of the opposing faction. NPC's see through this so you can't go wandering through Stormwind as a Horde, but it can be fun confusing PC's.

The Orb is a very rare world drop, meaning it could drop anywhere, but it is a consistent drop from just two mobs. One is Skarr the Unbreakable and the other is Mushgog. These level 58 to 60 elites spawn every few hours in the Dire Maul Arena. Since the arena is free-for-all PvP it used to be that you would spend all your time fighting others in the arena making this item very difficult to farm. Since the release of Burning Crusade however, this instance is almost always deserted. But still these elite mobs spawn. The arena is in the center of the commons, not inside the instances. Coords around 43,70. The low 50's mobs all round will leave you alone as long as you don't tread on their toes.

Don't under estimate these elites - they hit hard. They are immune to stun and fear. Bring a friend if you aren't sure.

The Orb will drop about once every 6 or 7 times, not often, but it sells for 500 to 700 gold. Even if the Orb does not drop, both of these mobs drop nice blue items worth 100 gold or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got one, and I sold it in less a day for $1000g