Monday 11 February 2008

Reasons for Playing World of Warcraft

There are many different reasons people play World of Warcraft (WoW). Maybe they like the social aspects. Chatting in the Barrens or in Stormwind. Maybe the like to mindlessly kill every thing in sight, either because they are social deviants or to relieve the pressures of a lousy job. Perhaps they like the challenge of defeating another player in PvP.

My main enjoyment, which many may find odd, is making as much gold as possible. Oh sure, I've leveled a few characters up to 70 and I'm sure I'll take them all up to level 80 when the new expansion – Wrath of the Lich King – arrives. But whenever I log on my first move is towards the mailbox to see how much gold I've made from yesterday's auction sales.

Most of my playing time revolves around finding different ways of making gold. I bought all of the gold guides (most of them are crap) and searched every Warcraft forum and website for every tip.

Maybe you play for similar reasons, or maybe you just want the best gear and stumbled here looking for ideas for quick gold. Either way, I have a whole bunch of gold making tips to share over the next few days. I've ignored all the stupid ideas you see everywhere and will give detailed tips for the stuff that works.

It won't be a total newbie guide - I'm not going to tell you how to use the AH or how to find your way to a specific zone. If you are that new, go buy an ebook or something.

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